synthetic engineering: dreams & doubts
Kirsty Darlaston on Life 2.0 artifice to synthesis
RealTime issue #103, Australia pg. 21
[June-July 2011]
Intelligent Fabrics, Organic AttireJemima Kemp: Coded Cloth, Samstag Museum, Adelaide
RealTime issue #89 pg. 29
[Feb-March 2009]

Transdisciplinary Publishing
Lisa Gye reports on the Hard Copy forum
RealTime issue #73, Australia pg. 10
[June-July 2006]
2004: glorious corporeality
Lisa Gye on 2004: Australian Culture Now
RealTime issue #63 pg. 33
[Oct-Nov 2004]
Virtually Beautiful
Donnalee Dunne,
Pathways, Vol 3/2,
Experta Medica/Novartis, Netherlands,pp 42-47
[April/June 2002]
3D Multiuser Virtual Reality als kinematographisches
Ulrich Wegenast Wand5
from ZKM <Streaming Media>

in Networked space
Yvonne Volkart,
springer|in 1/02:
Verein, Vienna, Austria,
[March 2002]

Melinda Rackhams Online Installations
Sean Cubitt,
e-volution of new media,
Vol 21 No 3, Australia, ,
p24 -26.
[September 2001]

Finalist: 2000 Leonardo New Horizons
Award for Innovation in New Media Barbara
Lee Williams

nterface - visions of the body and the machine
Kathy Cleland,
ART AsiaPacific
Issue 27, ISSN10393625,
Fine Arts Press Sydney, Au, p 70 - 75.

"Rackham's line is a lure into a world..a decidedly nonliner
domain.. empowered by the internets most powerful time-bending
and space-eating tool -the hyperlink."
End of the Line: Experimental and
Non-Linear Interfaces" by
Steven Madoff,
The Future of Business and Design on the Internet,
Ed Katherine
Nelson, New York,

"particularly moving and beautifully composed web artwork"
Sonya Rapoport -
Leonardo Reviews,
Leonardo 33, #4,

'These artists understand the code,
understand the possibilities, are experimenting with it in ways
that the makers of Netscape or the makers of museum Web sites
haven't really thought about."
Cybertimes - arts@large
Matthew Mirapaul,
New York Times
[April 9 1998]

"intellectual , engaging and delightful"
World Sites review of
[October 1997.]