Love Bytes - Stendhal Syndrome in Second Life
Interfaces of Performance
Eds Janis Jefferies, Maria X and Rachel Zerihan
Ashgate, London
[2009] |
The Grand Tour – Art in Second Life
(with Christian McCrea)
Space Between People
Ed Stephen Doesinger
Prestel, Munich
[2008] |

Safety of Skin
Eds Mary Flanagan and Austin Booth
MIT Press,
Cambridge and London
[2007] |

Networked Soft Space
and New Media
Eds Yu Wei-Cheng and Phillip George
Tainan National
University of the Arts, Taiwan,
Mandarin and English
Reader: Lab3D and Web3D Art
with Taylor Nuttall
Cornerhouse, Manchester SBN 094879773-8
carrier - becoming symborg
Eingreifen, Viren, Modelle, Tricks
Ed Sick et al, Thealit, Hamburg
Wesen und Konstruktion des virtuellen raums
Webfictions - Zerstreute Anwesenheiten in elektroischen
Eds Faßler/Hentschläger/Weiner
Wien, New York
Empyrean - soft_skinned_escape
Politics of a Digital Present: An inventory of Australian net
culture, criticism and theory
Eds Hugh Brown, Geert Lovink,
Helen Merrick
Fibreculture Publications, Melbourne, ISBN