Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses?
#remakemistresses recreates the artworks of 30 Australian contemporary women artists and collectives on Instagram over 9 months from March till December 2020, placing them in the midst of our COVID-19 heightened visual culture.
#remakemistresses is a femmage, honouring of the work of both well and under seen, collected or acknowledged contemporary Australian Women artists. It encompasses research, curation, performance, photography and social media engagement.
#remakemistresses increases the visibility and knowledge of Australian contemporary women artists who work with painting, performance, photography, ceramics, sculpture, film, digital media, jewellery, body art, textiles, sound, drawing and collage. It makes visible the creative and personal networks and communities which support and inspire them.
#remakemistresses utilises parody and irony, not in a derogatory way, but playfully and critically. Each remake stands on its own as an image and a visual quip, however knowing or discovering the context of the artist and their original work adds a deeper level of viewing and thinking pleasure as the works speak to each other.
#remakemistresses is an inclusive creative celebratory and bold public visual platform for the ageing female body. Its humour embodies concepts that a diversity of women artists have created over decades, and it delights in fostering a celebratory and cohesive atmosphere among us.