Remaking Soda_Jerk: TERROR NULLIUS, 2018.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses? @soda______jerk
#remakemistresses #sodajerk
#terrornullius #acmionline #unaustralian #revengemovie #kathandkim #australiancinema #auspol #sampled
#nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine @tussenfilmenquarantaine
Image: Soda_Jerk, TERROR NULLIUS, digital video, colour, sound, 54 minutes, 2018.
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking r e a : PolesApart 2, 2009.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses #reanoir @reanoir
#remakemistresses #contemporaryart #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart #reconciliationweek #ulurustatement
Image: r e a, PolesApart 2, C-Type photographs, Panel 1 from triptych, 100 x 92 cm, edition of 10, 2009.
This project is supported by #copyright-agency
Remaking Polixeni Papapetrou: The test shot... which sparked off the series 'Eden’, 2016.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses #polixenipapapetrou
#remakemistresses #michaelreidsydney #jarvisdooneygalerie #stillsgallery #ccpmelbourne #knowmyart #countessreport #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart #thamesandhudsonau #wreath
Image: Polixeni Papapetrou, “The test shot of myself with a wreath taken in the studio which sparked off the series 'Eden’, 2016” (Instagram 15 Jan 2018)
This project is supported by #copyrightagency and styled by @alessandrosilanohair
Remaking Deidre But-Husaim: Self (painted beard), 2014 [square]
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses? @deidrepainter #remakemistresses #deidrebuthusaim #arthurartbar #sala2020 #name5womenartists #selfportrait #oilonboard #contemporarypainting #privatecollection #beardsinart #dougmoranportraitprize #arthurartbar
#australianwomenartists #contemporaryart #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine
Image: Deidre But-Husaim, Self (painted beard), oil on maple panel, 60 x 45 cm, 2014
�This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Narelle Autio: The Summer of Us, 2009
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses #narelleautio #remakemistresses @chillioctopus
#hugomichellgallery #agsaadelaide #agsa #detritus #michaelreidsydney #australianphotography #burnmyeye #summerofus #contemporaryart #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart
Image: Narelle Autio, The Summer of Us, 18 inkjet prints on paper, dimensions variable, 2009, Collection: Art Gallery of South Australia
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Collected from Lady Bay Beach with @lizzie_11_11_
Remaking Yvette Coppersmith: Self-portrait, after George Lambert, 2018.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses #yvettecoppersmith #remakemistresses
#archibaldprize #georgelambert #selfportraitpainting #contemporaryart #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyart #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart
Image: Yvette Coppersmith, Self-portrait, after George Lambert, Oil and Acrylic on Linen, 132 x 112 cm, 2018
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Deborah Kelly: Venus As A Boy, 2015.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake Australian mistresses #remakemistresses #deborahkelly #wagnercontemporary #finkelsteingallery #knowmyart #knowmyname #createaustraliasfuture #gettymuseumchallenge #covidartchallenge #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart #betweenartandquarantine
Image: Deborah Kelly, Venus As A Boy, Digital print on silk, 200 x 100cm, 2015
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Prudence Flint: The Fitting, 2019.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses #prudenceflint
#remakemistresses #australiangalleries #fineartssydney #blanketfever #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart
Image: Prudence Flint, The Fitting, oil on linen, 130 x 107 cm, 2019.
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Arlene TextaQueen: The Textanudes - Jack of Hearts, 2003
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses? @textaqueen #remakemistresses #textaqueen #textas #textaart #pinupplayingcards #textanudes #australianwomenartists #womenartists #tapestry #tapestryart #jackofhearts #punk #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine
Image: Arlene TextaQueen, Jack of hearts, Texta on paper, 77 x 57cm 2003. Woven by Rachel Hine, @austapestry Australian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne Wool and cotton 77 x 57 cm
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Petrina Hicks: Venus, 2013.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses.
#remakemistresses #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #petrinahicks #gettymuseumchallenge #auspol #thisisnofantasy #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart
Image: Petrina Hicks, Venus (from the series 'The shadows'), Pigment ink-jet print, 100 x 100cm, 2013
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Bonita Ely and Melissa Williams-Brown: Menindee Fish Kill, 2019
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses.
#remakemistresses #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #bonitaely @melissabrowninoz #gettymuseumchallenge #climateemergency #milanigallery #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart
Image: Bonita Ely and Melissa Williams-Brown, Menindee Fish Kill, photograph of a performance, dimensions variable, 2019
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Adrienne Doig: Feminist Cliché (Dresden Plate), 2012.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake Australian mistresses #remakemistresses #adriennedoig #martinbrownecontemporary #knowmyart #knowmyname #createaustraliasfuture #gettymuseumchallenge #covidartchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart
Image: Adrienne Doig, Feminist Cliché (Dresden Plate), Patchwork, appliqué and embroidery on linen, 99 x 77 cm, 2012
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Jenny Watson: White horse with Telescope, 2012.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses?
#remakemistresses #jennywatson #roslynoxley9 #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #horsesofinstagram #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart
Image: Jenny Watson, White horse with Telescope, synthetic polymer paint on rabbit skin glue primed cotton, 2012.
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Julie Rrap: Overstepping, 2001.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses #julierrap
#remakemistresses #roslynoxley9 #thecatstreetgallery #arconegallery #mcaaustralia #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart #bodymodart
Image: Julie Rrap, Overstepping, chromogenic print, framed, 124 × 124 × 8cm, 2001
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking VNS Matrix: A Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century, 1991.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses!! #vnsmatrix #remakemistresses
#feministmanifesto #cyberfeminism #manifesto #netartanthology
#dollyoko #virginiabarratt #juliannepierce #josephinestarrs #cyberfeminist #cyberfeminismo #griffithuniversityartmuseum
#contemporaryart #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart
Image: VNS Matrix, A Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century, digital image image, dimension and media variable, 1991.
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Pic: @alessandrosilanohair
Remaking Elvis Richardson: Found Paints Lane 1966, 2012.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses.
#remakemistresses #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #elvisrichardson #gettymuseumchallenge #auspol #hugomichellgallery #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart
Image: Elvis Richardson: Found Paints Lane 1966, Type C print, 70 x 90 cm, 2012.
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Annette Bezor: Watching you, seeing me, 1998
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses? @annettebezor #remakemistresses #annettebezor #femalegaze #themalegaze #tretchikoff #malegaze #sala2020 #name5womenartists #australianwomenartists #contemporaryart #iconicworks #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #womenicons #bluelady
Image: Annette Bezor, Watching you, seeing me, Panel 2 of 4, 4 @ 190 x 105 cm, Acrylic/Oil on fabric, 1998
Remake image: Vladimir Tretchikoff, Girl from Bali,1959
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Sasha Grbich and Kelly Reynolds: Last Nights in Cities, 2019-20
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses? @sasha_grbich @kelly_marie_reynolds
#remakemistresses #sashagrbich #kelly_marie_reynolds @_vergespace_ @praxisartspace @lotfourteenadl #sala2020 #praxisartspace #venice #lastnights #salaawards
#name5womenartists #australianwomenartists #contemporaryart #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine
Image: Sasha Grbich and Kelly Reynolds, Last Nights in Cities, vinyl recordings, cardboard box speakers dimensions variable, performance, 2019-20
Remake Background: Cirkidz Adelaide. Artists: Shep and Fredock. 27 Fifth Street, Bowden, Adelaide.
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Image @lizzie_11_11
Remaking Louise Weaver: Moonlight Becomes You (Silver Fox), 2001-2019
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses?#louiseweaver #remakemistresses @_louiseweaver
#darrenknightgallery #geelonggallery
#foxinmoonlight #goldendingo #crochetfox
#foxsofinstagram #foxesofinstagram #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine
Image: Louise Weaver, Moonlight Becomes You (Silver Fox), Mixed media, Fox: 53 x 50 x 30 cm, Base: 20 x 54 x 45 cm (irregular), 2001-2019
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Starring: Princess Billie from #pukatja #pupinfluencer
Remaking Barbara Cleveland: Performance Art (15 Actions for the Face), 2014.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses?
#barbaracleveland #remakemistresses @barbara__cleveland @_kewb_ @dismithnow @fffrancesfffrancis #kellydoley
#sullivanstrumpf #mca_australia #faceart #feministperformance #queerperformanceart #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine
Image: Barbara Cleveland, Performance Art (15 Actions for the Face), Multi-channel digital video, colour, sound, 15:34 minutes, 2014, Collection: Museum of Contemporary Art
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Sera Waters: Leaky Sleep of the Sullied, 2017
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses? @serawaters #remakemistresses #serawaters #hugomichellgallery #guildhousefellowship #jamesanddianaramsayfoundation #sala2020 #artlinkmagazine #guildhouse #agsaadelaide #art #design #craft #embroidery
#australianwomenartists #contemporaryart #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine
Image: Sera Waters, Leaky Sleep of the Sullied, Found bedspread, hand-dyed bed sheets, cotton, stuffing, rope & found handles, 250 x 190 cm, 2017.
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Photos: @alessandrosilanohair
Remaking Rosemary Laing: Flight research #6, 1999.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses?
#remakemistresses #rosemarylaing #tolarnogalleries #galerielelong #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart
Image: Rosemary Laing, Flight research #6, C Type print, 50.8 x 100.3 cm, 1999
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Emma Hack: Wallpaper series, 2005-10.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses?
#remakemistresses #emmahackartist #emmahackgallery #emmahacksmothergaia #bodyart #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart #florencebroadhurst
Image: Emma Hack, Wallpaper series, Painted Installation, 240 x 213cm, 2005-10.
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Hoda Afshar: Under Western Eyes - Westoxicated #7, 2014
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses? @hodaafshar
#remakemistresses #hodaafshar #milanigallery #gagprojects @photofestivalau #PHOTO2020 #Australianphotography #stereotypes #mydogiscutest #withrefugees
#nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine
Image: Hoda Afshar, Under Western Eyes - Westoxicated #7, Archival Pigment Print 104 x 90 cm, edition of 5, 2014
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Sarah crowEST: #straponpaintings, 2016
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses? @sarah_crowest
#remakemistresses #sarahcrowest #italdubfreight #straponpaintings #blotchwoman #textinart #freemoney #counternarrativetocapitalism #gifteconomy #heidemoma #australianwomenartists
#nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine
Image: SarahcrowEST: Residue of Some Fierce Action 2016 with Pebblehead, St Kilda #2, in #straponpaintings installation view, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne, 2016 Photograph: Christian Capurro
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Styling: @alessandrosilanohair
Remaking Polly Borland: Untitled XXI from the series Smudge, 2010.
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses #pollyborland
#remakemistresses #ninomiergallery #murraywhiteroom #sullivanstrumpf #kisume_au #knowmyart #createaustraliasfuture #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine #recreateart #monstertheatres
Image: Polly Borland, Untitled XXI from the series Smudge, chromogenic prints, 2010.
This project is supported by #copyrightagency
Remaking Fiona Hall: Nelum (Sinhala), Thamareri (Tamil) / Nelumbo nucifera / Lotus, 1999
Why copy tired old masters when you can remake contemporary Australian mistresses? #fionahall #remakemistresses #roslynoxley9 #sala2020 #name5womenartists #sardinetinart #sardinetin #belly
#australianwomenartists #contemporaryart #lotus #sculpture #environment #nationalgalleryaus #knowmyname #covidartchallenge #gettymuseumchallenge #betweenartandquarantine #tussenkunstenquarantaine
Image: Fiona Hall, Nelum (Sinhala), Thamareri (Tamil) / Nelumbo nucifera / Lotus, from the series Paradisus Terrestris, aluminium & tin, 26 x 18 x 4 cm,1999
This project is supported by #copyrightagency