- media forum
[2002- 2008]
In 2002 I instigated the -empyre- online media forum
to provide a platform
for diverse discussion of
media practices,
especially those outside the Euro/US mainstream.
A format of monthly sessions of invited guests
discussing a changing thematic ensured no one voice domianted.
I continued to produce and co-curate
-empyre- until 2005 with other co-curators including Christina
McPhee, Jim Andrews, and Michael Arnold
Mages. I occasionally guest cuated between 2005 and
2008 .-empyre- has been included in exhibitions on network culture and several texts have been produced including:
__Reader: Lab3D and Web3D Art
Co-editor with Taylor Nuttall
As part of the documenta 12 Magazine Project.- empyre- global community conducted three moderated conversations on the three documenta 12 leitmotifs:
__Bare Life - July 2006
__What is to be done (education)?
Edited By Christina McPhee.
[2006 - 2007]
Vist -empyre- website >
also shown in: