is the zone of electronically constructed 3 dimensional space, a
virtual geography populated by textual entities, where reality is
a trace, a flicker on the screen.
empyrean is a parrallel universe, an etheric arena beyond
space and time - the hungry void of potentiality. it is the place
of emptiness where all things are possible, the realm of the spirit,
embracing the folds of the soul.
empyrean is a world of gaps and intervals, fluidly traced
by interactions with others, rather than rigidly mapped by terrritorialising
agents. this soft nothingness, this zero space is transversed by
in-tensions, relations, attractions, and transitions between energetic
here we are softly embodied avatars, navigating thru a series of
scapes without the regular markers of order and normalcy. there
is no horizon to orient oneself. there is no up or down. here in-tensions
and strange attractions make sense of otherworldly, yet oddly familiar